

Pepeliaev Group's team has successfully wrapped up a tax dispute in favour of VimpelCom PJSC
Represented VimpelCom PJSC in a dispute with the Russian Federal Tax Service which lasted for over three years and ended yesterday in the court of cassation.
Rustem Ahmetshin
The Supreme Court has completed reviewing the tax authority’s supervisory appeal within the scope of a dispute that concerns calculating mineral extraction tax when gold concentrates are processed
We are speaking about case, in which the Supreme Court’s Judicial Board for Economic Disputes handed down a judgment in December 2023 in favour of the taxpayer having quashed the decisions of commercial (‘arbitration’) courts.
Defended a bank's senior manager in a dispute concerning secondary liability for RUB 2.6 billion
The team from our bankruptcy and anti-crisis protection of business practice was successful in defending a bank’s senior manager against secondary liability amounting to RUB 2.6 billion. 
Pepeliaev Group’s Customs Practice has successfully completed a 4 year long litigation
Lawyers of Pepeliaev Group’s Customs Law Practice have won a litigation which started on 24 November 2020 (case No. А51-18513/2020). This case was instigated by the Vladivostok Customs Office, which filed with a state commercial court a claim to recover import customs duties and default interest of over RUB 1.7 billion in total because this sum included the cost of a business aircraft.
We helped our client to win a dispute with a water service company over the recovery of a payment for discharging pollutants
The team of Pepeliaev Group’s St. Petersburg office represented a major food company in a dispute with a regional water service company.
Providing legal support for a major construction holding in Russia, Etalon group of companies, during the acquisition of a well-known multifunctional complex in St. Petersburg
Our real estate and construction practice in St. Petersburg helped the Client within the project aimed at the acquisition of the company, which was the owner of LDM (Leningrad Hall of Youth), a well-known multifunctional complex, and of the land plot beneath it.
Natalia Prisekina has delivered a lecture at Harbin University of Commerce (China)
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Natalia Prisekina has become the head of the MAC under the Russian CCI in Vladivostok
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Konstantin Sharlovsky is a co-founder of the “Law and Medicine” master's programme at Moscow State University
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