

Analysed the possibilities of selling cars remotely in Russia
The team of the practice has performed a complex analysis of the possibility of selling cars remotely in Russia.
Legal support for a mobile application developed by our client being rolled out over nine countries
The team of our practice provided support on a project aimed at a mobile application developed by our client being rolled out over nine uncovered countries.
Ensured compliance with Russian legislation when publishing information on our client’s websites
The team of our practice advised a client who had decided to leave the Russian market; in this connection, the client had to create separate websites in the Russian domain zone for five brands of the company. 
Assessed issues and risks connected with the implementation of a telematics system
The experts of our practice have advised a client on installing a telematics system on corporate cars made available to employees. 
Complex analysis of an access control and management system and bringing it in line with current legislation
The lawyers of the practice advised a major international company in connection with the enactment of Federal Law No. 572-FZ dated 29 December 2022 “On identifying and/or authenticating individuals using biometric personal data, on amending certain legislative instruments of the Russian Federation and on repealing certain provisions of legislative instruments of the Russian Federation” (“572-FZ”).
Assessed risks and limitations when our client is using the SAP system in Russia
Our personal data protection team has advised the Russian division of a Chinese company which planned to use the SAP system.
Natalia Prisekina has delivered a lecture at Harbin University of Commerce (China)
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Natalia Prisekina has become the head of the MAC under the Russian CCI in Vladivostok
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Konstantin Sharlovsky is a co-founder of the “Law and Medicine” master's programme at Moscow State University
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