

Conducted an audit of restrictions on transactions with foreign securities
The practice's team advised the client on regulatory and foreign currency restrictions imposed on a broker to conduct transactions with foreign securities for its benefit and for the benefit of its clients, including individuals who are Russian nationals.
Drafted a bank guarantee for over CNY 15 million for a Chinese counterparty
Our lawyers advised a Russian company on how international rules for bank guarantees (URDG 758) should be applied and were also involved in preparing a draft bank guarantee and in having it negotiated with the Chinese guarantor bank.
Provided legal support with regard to a transaction for over RUB 1 billion in the banking sector
The team of the practice provided legal assistance under a project of a major international bank operating in Russia which involved the assignment of a large portfolio of credit cards to another bank.
Determined the best structure of a transaction to acquire a large piece of real estate
Pepeliaev Group's team provided legal support under a transaction to purchase a regional power station.
Ensured the extension of a licence to use subsoil resources at a field in Kamchatka
The practice’s team devised a strategy to have a subsoil licence extended for the Russian branch of a Swiss company engaged in the extraction of nickel, cobalt and copper at a nickel field in Kamchatka.
Successfully represented the client in a court dispute with a water service company
The practice's team represented the client in a dispute with a water service company over the recovery of a payment for discharging pollutants where the allowable concentration was exceeded and over the payment for the detrimental effect to the centralised water-discharge system, with the total amount being over RUB 30 million.
Natalia Prisekina has delivered a lecture at Harbin University of Commerce (China)
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Natalia Prisekina has become the head of the MAC under the Russian CCI in Vladivostok
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Konstantin Sharlovsky is a co-founder of the “Law and Medicine” master's programme at Moscow State University
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