

Lawyers from Pepeliaev Group’s Siberian Office safeguarded our client’s interests in a major dispute with the prosecutor’s office for the environment
A team from our Siberian Office represented the interests of a large Siberian mining company in the court of appeal. Within the framework of the dispute, the prosecutor’s office for the environment demanded that RUB 827 million be collected from the client in connection with the production of coal on an agricultural land plot.
Yulia Yurchenko
Successfully protected the client's personal assets in disputes about real estate
The team of the Bankruptcy and Anti-Crisis Protection of Business Practice succeeded in having the first instance courts set aside the unlawful claims against our client by proving that the agreement to dispose of the asset had been terminated and that no grounds existed for it to be performed.
Yulia Litovtseva
Lawyers from the Siberian Office have helped a client to preserve more than RUB 4 billion
Lawyers from Pepeliaev Group’s Siberian Office have helped a developer to prepare a legal position to defend in court against a claim of the Federal Supervisory Natural Resources Management Service (abbreviated in Russian as ‘Rosprirodnadzor’) to collect more than RUB 4 billion as compensation for damage.
Yulia Yurchenko
Pepeliaev Group’s lawyers protected the interests of a company’s CEO in a dispute about secondary liability for RUB 2.3 billion
Yulia Litovtseva
Successfully protected a transaction for nearly RUB 85 million in the bankruptcy of a contracting party
In the bankruptcy case of a management company, the team of the Bankruptcy and Anti-Crisis Protection of Business Practice succeeded in having the ruling cancelled which had invalidated payments received by the client for services provided.
Successfully provided legal support to a client in obtaining official clarifications from the Russian Federal Customs Service
A major Russian shipping company specialising in sea transportation of hydrocarbons instructed us to assist it in obtaining official clarifications of the Russian Ministry of Finance on whether it was required to obtain the customs authority’s permission and perform customs transactions in the situation as follows. 
Alexander Kosov
The case of VimpelCom PJSC has won in the “Administrative Dispute of the Year” category in Legal Insight's The CASE research
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Pepeliaev Group’s Experts Have Achieved Exceptional Results in Pravo.ru-300's 2024 Individual Rankings
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Natalia Prisekina has delivered a lecture at Harbin University of Commerce (China)
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