

Objections to an audit report of the Accounts Chamber
We developed objections to the audit report of the Accounts Chamber with respect to a university. The university is rated among the best institutions for higher education in the world.

Discharge of debt of a unitary enterprise to the budget of a Russian constituent entity
We prepared the documents necessary for the debt to be discharged of a unitary enterprise on a commodity loan to the budget of a Russian constituent entity. The debt was discharged, in part, by using the receivables and in part, by financing the costs of social facilities through forwarding the allocated sums to discharge the outstanding loan. We considered the budget law aspects of this case, researched how these transactions are reflected in the budget of the constituent entity and drafted the corresponding documents. 
Legal opinion regarding a case of default on a public loan
We prepared a legal opinion about the applicability of a special statute of limitations to tortious liability arising from a default on a related public loan.
Tax dispute involving a municipal unitary enterprise
Legal opinion regarding a tax dispute involving a municipal unitary enterprise. Restoration of VAT on goods, work and services purchased using a subsidy from the local budget. 
Objections to reports of the Federal Treasury
We prepared objections to reports of local directorates of the Federal Treasury following their unscheduled inspections, which aimed to confirm whether manufacturers of wheeled vehicles lawfully obtained and used certain subsidies. We devised a legal position as to whether the company was entitled to obtain subsidies and whether the amounts of subsidies had met the applicable requirements.
Objections to the Accounts Chamber report

We developed objectives to an audit report of the Accounts Chamber with respect to a gold producer. We devised a legal position that the Accounts Chamber had no authority to audit this gold producer.

The case of VimpelCom PJSC has won in the “Administrative Dispute of the Year” category in Legal Insight's The CASE research
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Pepeliaev Group’s Experts Have Achieved Exceptional Results in Pravo.ru-300's 2024 Individual Rankings
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Natalia Prisekina has delivered a lecture at Harbin University of Commerce (China)
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