

Due Diligence
Carried out due diligence of a large set of patents relating to inventions for electrical machinery and technology of a major plant in Russia that was to be acquired by a foreign investor. 
Franchise agreement
We drafted a franchise agreement on behalf of a major restaurant business company to widen its franchise.  
Advisory services
Advised a Russian stock exchange on rights to a number of computer programmes in relation to a reorganisation of legal entities that formed a part of the client's group of companies.  We analysed the transfer of rights to the corresponding programmes and gave a legal appraisal of the risks and restrictions.
Representing the client in court
Legal representation with regard to the early termination of trademark protection
We filed a statement of claim and supported a case for the legal protection of a trademark being terminated, which prevented our client from observing the terms and conditions of the Olympic construction plan. 
Registering trademarks
Registered the trademarks of a Russian mobile operator, and a major  foreign company in all CIS countries, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, USA and some Latin American countries. 
Migration issues
Advised on how to structure the hiring of foreign employees in a company and its structural subdivisions. 
We obtained quotas and permits to hire foreign employees, and had permission documents issued for foreign employees and their family members.
Pepeliaev Group's experts have recorded an original course in tax law for the Legal Academy
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Yulia Litovtseva has been shortlisted by the research project “The 100 most influential persons in bankruptcy in 2024-2025”
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Pepeliaev Group’s Far East Office has arranged a seminar for Korean business
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