

Advising on legal aspects of the functioning of electric power supply infrastructure
Advised on legal aspects of: the functioning of electric power supply infrastructure in the context of new construction work; how generating capacity is transmitted within a new legal framework for regulating the wholesale power market; and power supplies at regulated tariffs, taking into consideration any payments from the state (such as subsidies, or government grants).
Legal aspects of the functioning of electric power supply infrastructure
Advised on legal aspects of: the functioning of electric power supply infrastructure in the context of new construction work; how generating capacity is transmitted within a new legal framework for regulating the wholesale power market; and power supplies at regulated tariffs, taking into consideration any payments from the state (such as subsidies, or government grants).
Advised a French engineering company (energy equipment and railway transport) with regard to the possible restructuring of its group in Russia. 
Legal expert review of actions and decisions of administrative authorities
Conducted a legal expert review of the actions of the regulator Rostekhnadzor relating to the outcome of an inspection it had conducted, and of the legal positions that a large manufacturing enterprise had drawn up. It was proposed that these positions be used during an appeal against unlawful actions on the part of Rostekhnadzor. Assessed the prospects of challenging in court and devised legal protection.
Legal expert review
Handled the purchase of a share in a major distribution network in Russia. Conducted legal due diligence, including: corporate issues, relations with customers / suppliers, regulatory and IP issues, loans and credit, etc. 
Creating joint ventures
Organised a joint venture for construction of a multi-purpose business centre in Moscow Region with a total area of 40 000 square meters. Structured and provided full legal support for large-scale transactions that involved shares of a project company being sold and a joint venture being established. 
Pepeliaev Group's experts have recorded an original course in tax law for the Legal Academy
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Yulia Litovtseva has been shortlisted by the research project “The 100 most influential persons in bankruptcy in 2024-2025”
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Pepeliaev Group’s Far East Office has arranged a seminar for Korean business
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