

Successful appeal against the customs authority's decision to refuse to grant an export customs duty benefit
Completed a project that included appealing in the court and having the customs authority's refusal invalidated to grant an export customs duty benefit to a Russian ship owner
Pepeliaev Group’s antimonopoly practice has successfully represented a major oil and gas company before the FAS of Russia
Pepeliaev Group’s antimonopoly lawyers have successfully represented a major international oil and gas company before the Russian Federal Antimonopoly Service (the "FAS") as part of a major transaction to acquire a share in a project to extract natural gas. 
Owing to the efforts of Pepeliaev Group's lawyers, the Russian Federal Customs Service has reimbursed to our client interest on excess customs payments recovered by it
The lawyers of Pepeliaev Group’s customs practice have successfully completed a project that involved protecting the interests of our client, a major Russian shipping company, before the Russian Supreme Court's Judicial Panel for Economic Disputes. 
Pepeliaev Group’s lawyers provided legal and tax support to the large gold-mining company
Lawyers and auditors of Pepeliaev Group provided legal and tax support to the client in a project involving the acquisition of Chulbatkan gold deposit. 
Setting up an industrial park for Korean-Russian economic cooperation in the Primorye Territory
Legal assistance in connection with the creation of an industrial park further to Korean-Russian economic collaboration in Primorye Territory. 
Protecting a major foreign employer company in the courts of Vladivostok in several labour disputes with former employees
Employees of the company tried to obtain internal documents of the company...
Pepeliaev Group's team has visited Ehrmann
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Roman Bevzenko is leaving Pepeliaev Group
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During their meeting, ministers of the BRICS countries discussed the development of cooperation in the field of justice. Many talking points were the same as those from the session “Legal assistance in the BRICS countries” at the St Petersburg Internation
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