

Training and developing the skills of our staff is the key factor in our success. 

We pay special attention to the education and development of our employees. So that we can increase our professional competence, our partners and heads of practices hold internal seminars on a regular basis, where they share their practical experience and know-how.  In addition, all employees who have successfully passed their probation period have an opportunity to attend a variety of external training courses on matters pertaining to their practice area and related branches of the law.

Depending on the employee’s position, our training and development department develops a comprehensive programme of training courses required for the employee’s further professional development and career growth. When carrying out this program we also hire the best Russian and foreign training companies to implement this programme. 

Natalia Prisekina has delivered a lecture at Harbin University of Commerce (China)
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Natalia Prisekina has become the head of the MAC under the Russian CCI in Vladivostok
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Konstantin Sharlovsky is a co-founder of the “Law and Medicine” master's programme at Moscow State University
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