
Analytics and brochures

01 April 2022
Moratorium on bankruptcy
Pepeliaev Group advises that the Russian Government’s Resolution dated 28 March 2022 imposes a moratorium on bankruptcy.

The purpose of the moratorium is to support citizens, individual entrepreneurs and companies which have found...

30 March 2022
The Russian Federal Tax Service has confirmed that it is legal to separate IT units into individual legal entities in order to receive tax benefits
Pepeliaev Group advises that, according to the position of the Russian Federal Tax Service, the reorganisation of a legal entity as a result of which a standalone IT company is created cannot be considered by tax authorities to be a distort...
29 March 2022
The ban on Meta Platforms Inc.’s activities*: what should businesses and users take into account?
*According to a Court’s ruling, Meta Platforms Inc. has been recognised as an extremist organisation and prohibited from doing business in Russia.
28 March 2022
The deadline has been extended for profit tax to be paid in advance in March
Pepeliaev Group advises that the Russian Government has extended by a month, until 28 April, the deadline for profit tax to be paid in advance. It was due to expire on 28 March.
25 March 2022
Amendments to the special administrative region (SAR) regime. Part I: new benefits and new requirements
The regulation of the activities of the SAR residents have been amended. A new law has been published that extends the list of tax benefits for international holding companies (“IHCs”) (Federal Law No. 66-FZ dated 26 March 2022). In addi...
23 March 2022
The law has been passed on measures of tax support for business
Pepeliaev Group advises that, on 22 March 2022, the State Duma (the lower house of Russia’s parliament) passed the law containing a package of tax measures to support business.
23 March 2022
The court has prohibited Meta Platforms Inc. from doing business in Russia
On 22 March 2022 the Tverskoy District Court held Meta Platforms Inc. to be an extremist organisation and prohibited it from doing business in Russia.
Articles and comments
17 March 2022
Russian Boutique Work Surges As International Firms Ditch Clients
Independent Russian law firms are experiencing a surge of work as corporations seek to limit their exposure to Russia at the same time as international law firms are closing down their Moscow operations.
17 March 2022
A special procedure is being revisited for initiating criminal cases for tax offences
Pepeliaev Group advises that, on 9 March 2022, a Federal Law came into effect to re-introduce a special procedure for initiating the criminal cases for which articles 198 to 199.2 of the Russian Criminal Code provide.