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Legal overviews
01 June 2021
Overview of tax events for May 2021
In the issue: The Russian President has signed a law to denounce a double tax treaty with the Netherlands.
Articles and comments
27 May 2021
Russia: Draft Regulation introduces Cashback for Hiring 2020 Graduates
2020 graduates were badly affected by the COVID pandemic and make up a significant percentage of the unemployment figures. Draft regulation introduces subsidies for companies who hire 2020 graduates; a possible amendment to Russian law. The...
Articles and comments
27 May 2021
Russia: Mandatory Teleworking After Return from Abroad
The Russian Federal Service for Labour and Employment released its official opinion: an employee who returns to Russia from abroad should be teleworking until negative COVID test results are received. The employee’s consent is not required....
Legal overviews
13 May 2021
Overview of developments in legislation and case law for April 2021
In the issue: The Russian Government by Resolution No. 622 dated 19 April 2021 has restricted the volume of information provided to audit companies controlled by foreign companies.
Legal overviews
12 May 2021
Overview of tax events for April 2021
In the issue: The Russian Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media has drawn up new measures for exerting pressure on foreign IT giants, including the introduction of a new tax.
04 May 2021
Grounds for “compulsory licensing”* have changed
Law firm Pepeliaev Group advises that Federal Law No. 107-FZ “On amending article 1360 of Section Four of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation” (the “Law”) was adopted on 30 April 2021, which has introduced the following amendments to a...
04 May 2021
The Russian Constitutional Court has allowed foreclosure on the only residential property of a bankrupt individual
Pepeliaev Group advises that the Constitutional Court’s Resolution No. 15-P was published on 26 April 2021. The Resolution determines whether the only residential property should be excluded from the bankruptcy estate where such property be...
04 May 2021
The regulation of the circulation of medical products is changing
Pepeliaev Group advises that on 30 April 2021 Federal Law No. 128-FZ “On amending the Federal Law “On the fundamentals of health protection in the Russian Federation” and articles 12 and 22 of the Federal Law “On licensing individual types ...
Legal overviews
14 April 2021
Overview of developments in legislation and case law for March 2021
In the issue: The Russian Government by Resolution No. 279 dated 27 February 2021 has approved a new concessional credit programme for businesses in the most affected areas.