
Analytics and brochures

13 April 2021
The law on the mandatory pre-installation of Russian software has come into force
Pepeliaev Group advises that, on 1 April 2021, Federal Law No. 425-FZ “On amending article 4 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the protection of consumers” dated 2 December 2019 came into force. The law obliges producers and persons ...
Articles and comments
09 April 2021
The Supreme Court has brought reasonableness into focus
The Russian Supreme Court’s Plenum has prepared a clarification on the most controversial issues of the application of anti-trust legislation by courts. On the one hand, the Court has ensured consistency with the approaches it developed pre...
06 April 2021
Ordinary general meetings of LLCs in 2021
Pepeliaev Group reminds you that LLCs may conduct their annual meetings in the form of an absentee vote.
02 April 2021
Counterparty’s insolvency risks for creditors of state and municipal unitary enterprises
Pepeliaev Group advises of specific aspects of how claims of creditors of state enterprises are satisfied at the expense of the debtor’s rights to a land plot.
30 March 2021
The risks of administrative liability being imposed for the use of a land plot other than for its intended purpose
Pepeliaev Group advises of the risks related to the uncertainty of calculating the limitation period for imposing administrative liability in the area of land use.
18 March 2021
The Russian Parliament’s Lower Chamber has clarified the definition of white-collar crimes
The State Duma has adopted a federal law to outline in greater detail the definition of white-collar crimes in some of its provisions.
12 March 2021
Letter of the federal tax service on how article 54.1 of the Russian Tax Code should be applied
The Federal Tax Service has sent to the tax authorities a letter with detailed recommendations on how article 54.1 of the Russian Tax Code should be applied. The clarifications of the FTS significantly mitigate administrative and judicial p...
12 March 2021
New practice of registration authorities when changing the sole executive body
Pepeliaev Group advises of the new practice of registration authorities.
12 March 2021
The law on environmental information has been adopted
Pepeliaev Group advises that on 9 March 2021 the Russian President signed the Law which supplements Federal Law No. 7-FZ “On environmental protection” dated 10 January 2002 and a number of other laws with provisions on environmental informa...