
Analytics and brochures

02 March 2021
New clarifications of the federal tax service on intra-group services: the concept of shareholder activity
In its Letter No. ShYu-4-13/1749@ dated 12 February 2021, the Russian Federal Tax Service clarified how intra-group services and shareholder activities should be distinguished within MNE groups.  
Legal overviews
02 March 2021
Overview of developments in legislation and case law for February 2021
In the issue: The Supreme Court’s Presidium has approved the third Overview of the issues of case law connected with the application of anti-Covid legislation.
01 March 2021
A law has been published to toughen liability for violations in the sphere of personal data
Pepeliaev Group advises that, on 24 February 2021, a Federal Law was published to amend the Russian Code of Administrative Offences, namely: to significantly increase administrative fines for violating legislation in the sphere of personal ...
01 March 2021
The more the merrier, or will companies transfer en masse to SAR?
Pepeliaev Group advises of the passing of a law that amends the regulation of special administrative regions (SAR) on the islands Russky and Oktyabrsky.
Legal overviews
01 March 2021
Overview of tax events for February 2021
In the issue: The Russian President has signed the law setting out amendments to the Russian Tax Code (No. 6-FZ).
20 February 2021
New requirements for an internal control system are being prepared for companies that are subject to tax monitoring
Pepeliaev Group advises that a draft of the new requirements for an internal control system and of the forms and formats of documents to be provided by a company when disclosing information about this system has been posted on the federal p...
19 February 2021
Courts clarify administrative liability for a breach of requirements for permitted use of land plots
Pepeliaev Group advises of the case law that, in furtherance of the resolutions adopted by the Constitutional Court, clarifies the conditions of administrative liability for the use of a land plot in breach of the type of permitted use.
17 February 2021
Strengthening risks of liability with respect to obligations of finacial institutions
Pepeliaev Group advises that, from 1 July 2021 a significant amendment is expected in terms of the regulation of the status of persons controlling the activity of credit institutions and insurance companies and non-public pension funds, and...
Articles and comments
16 February 2021
Russia: The Epidemic is Slowing Down – Updated Decrees, Orders and Guidelines
Decrees, orders or guidelines regulating protective measures in Russia differ from region to region.