
Analytics and brochures

25 March 2020
Working groups within tax inspectorates are starting to monitor the economy

Our clients have started to receive requests from working groups that are being set up now within tax inspectorates “in order to gather and monitor, on a weekly basis, information regarding the risks of economic and social challenges...
25 March 2020
The President’s speech: things business should pay attention to

The Russian President has delivered an address in connection with the global coronavirus pandemic and has announced a number of new measures. The measures that the President has proposed will be specified in legislative instruments,...
24 March 2020
Coronavirus vs contract
Pepeliaev Group clarifies whether the coronavirus infection may be classified as a force-majeure event in contractual relationships with counterparties. 
24 March 2020
Temporary restrictions have been introduced in the work of Russian courts starting from 19 March 2020

Pepeliaev Group advises that the Russian Supreme Court has introduced restrictions within the framework of preventing the spread of the coronavirus infection in Russia.  

24 March 2020
Tax risks for individuals in connection with limitations aimed at preventing the spread of Covid-19

Pepeliaev Group advises of potential tax risks in a situation when individuals have to stay in the Russian Federation for an extended period of time in view of the current restrictions that are preventing the spread of COVID-19.

23 March 2020
COVID-19: Tax measures in support of the economy and changes in tax administration

Pepeliaev Group advises of the measures that have been adopted or are anticipated with the aim of supporting certain branches of the economy and changing tax administration procedures for the duration of the COVID-19 epidemic.

19 March 2020
From 18 March 2020 temporary restrictions with respect to foreign nationals have been enacted
Law Firm Pepeliaev Group advises that temporary restrictions have been introduced from 18 March 2020 with regard to foreign nationals. 
17 March 2020
Fighting coronavirus: employers are to draw up a plan of actions in an emergency situation

Law firm Pepeliaev Group recommends that employers devise a plan of actions in case the coronavirus spreads further. 

Articles and comments
16 March 2020
Presentation about ISAP
International Assurance Complience Programme