
Analytics and brochures

13 March 2020
New clarifications on how resolutions of business entities must be certified

Pepeliaev Group draws your attention to the clarifications provided by the Federal Notarial Chamber regarding the Russian Supreme Court’s legal positions on how to confirm a resolution adopted by a general meeting.

10 March 2020
Fighting coronavirus: what employers in Russia should do

Pepeliaev Group advises that state authorities of different levels have started to take measures aimed at preventing the spread of coronavirus. Employers should take them into account.

05 March 2020
When determining the market value of a real estate item for the purposes of establishing the cadastral value, VAT is not recorded and not separately accounted for

The Supreme Court has confirmed that it is unlawful to record and separately account for VAT within the market value when the cadastral value is challenged.

05 March 2020
Milestone court decisions on salary indexation

Pepeliaev Group draws attention to milestone court decisions on salary indexation that may turn around the case law on this type of disputes.

05 March 2020
The law on antimonopoly compliance has been adopted

Pepeliaev Group advises of the changes in the area of antimonopoly compliance.

03 March 2020
The Federal Archive Agency (ROSARCHIVE) has adopted new storage periods for archive documents

Pepeliaev Group advises that from 18 February 2020 new timeframes have been adopted for companies to store in an archive documents that are formed as such companies carry out their activity. 

25 February 2020
New criteria for classifying software as medical devices

Pepeliaev Group advises that the Russian Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare (“Roszdravnadzor”) has issued information letter No. 02I-297/20 “On software” dated 13 February 2020, and that information letter No. 01I-2358/15 “On ...

17 February 2020
New legal positions with respect to applying legislation on business entities

Pepeliaev Group draws your attention to the changes in the case law involving certain issues of corporate legislation. 

17 February 2020
New OECD transfer pricing guidance on financial transactions
Pepeliaev Group advises that the OECD has released its Transfer Pricing Guidance on Financial Transactions.