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06 April 2020
Support for the economy: the Government is preparing measures

On 1 April 2020 Federal Law No. 102-FZ “On amending parts one and two of the Russian Tax Code and certain items of Russian legislation” was signed by the Russian President and published. 
06 April 2020
Covid-19: timeframes for disclosing consolidated financial statements in 2020; Internal auditing and the public regime of a public joint-stock company

Pepeliaev Group advises that amendments are pending adoption to a number of legal provisions regulating individual aspects of the activities of a public joint-stock company, and the procedure and timeframes for submitting and disclosing consolidated...

03 April 2020
A number of amendments have been made to the provisions of the Code of Administrative Offences

In the context of the pandemic and different measures taken by the authorities, a number of amendments have been made to the provisions of the Code of Administrative Offences which significantly increase administrative sanctions for legal entities....

03 April 2020
The Russian Government has approved new rules for maintaining the state information system supporting town-planning activities
Pepeliaev Group advises that on 25 March 2020 the Government’s Resolution came into force establishing a procedure for maintaining information systems supporting town-planning activities (abbreviated in Russian as ISOGD), which contains town-planning...
03 April 2020
Covid-19: ‘Tax Superpowers’ of the Government, Personal Income Tax on income from deposits, and insurance contributions

Pepeliaev Group advises that, on 31 March 2020, the Russian State Duma adopted a Federal Law which lays down the first legislative tax measures aimed at supporting the economy against the backdrop of the coronavirus pandemic.

03 April 2020
The Russian President’s Decree on non-working days: the deadline issue gets complicated

The Decree of the Russian President dated 2 April 2020 established non-working days from 4 April 2020 until 30 April 2020. Accordingly, taking into account that amendments have been adopted to article 6.1 of the Russian Tax Code, the deadlines...

Articles and comments
02 April 2020
The coronavirus of obligations
First it is necessary to assess whether the coronavirus pandemic influences a specific company’s performance of its obligations under a specific contract, since the mere fact of the pandemic does not release all the parties to civil relatio...
Articles and comments
02 April 2020
A moratorium on bankruptcy in russia and abroad
The restrictions that have been introduced in Russia correspond to those introduced abroad. However, for many companies these may only delay bankruptcy if measures of support for business during the pandemic prove to be insufficient.
02 April 2020
Emergency measures to support the economy in the area of rental

Pepeliaev Group explains the legal consequences of state measures to support the economy for landlords and tenants in the situation of the COVID-19 outbreak